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Plants can add so much to your home. They bring the outdoors indoors. They clean the air and ask very little in return. The range of plants that are suitable for indoors is huge. These plants come from every corner of the world from tropical rain forests to arid deserts. You could fill an entire indoor landscape in a mansion with nothing but varieties of one species such as Ficus.

imagesCABW0EZ7_crop indoor plants gardening

This prolific genus includes creeping and trailing plants, shrubs and trees. There are so many different leaf types and sizes from so many different climates and habitats that they can easily fill all areas of an indoor landscape. Some gardeners grow many types of plants. Some will specialize in one type only. Some are cactus or orchid enthusiasts or connoisseurs of bromeliad or palms. Here are some plants that are good choices because they are relatively easy to care for and are proven adaptable to indoor usage.

6. Chamaedorea Palm. This little palm has always been one of my favorites. If you keep it in a small pot it will remain small for years. In a more spacious container it can get to 4 feet. C.erumpens (bamboo palm) can reach 8 feet. The most common of these palms is C.elegans (parlor palm). These palms like bright filtered light. Too much sun will burn the leaves and a dimly lit corner will make it grow spindly. Water plentifully especially during the growing season. Same thing with fertilizer. Use a well drained potting soil.
imagesCAGWIC3A chamaedora parlor palm gardeningChamaedorea  (parlor palm)
7. Kalanchoe. In South Florida this little succulent is common. I have had in my landscapes for years. It propagates itself easily. Throw it on the ground and it will probably grow. It has beautiful flowers from January until the summer. The most successful of these is K.blossfeldiana. The variety with the red flowers do the best in the long run. The other colors die out sooner. They like bright indirect light for best color. Full sun is tolerated. Moderate watering is recommended since this is a succulent. Easy to propagate from cuttings.
imagesCAKNYX8Z kalanchoe flower gardening directionsBrilliant red flowers in March
8. Cacti Family. Another succulent. However this one is well armed. Cactus come in two types; Desert and Jungle. I will be discussing the desert type. Most cactus are native to the Western Hemisphere. These plants do need to be watered, though not as frequently as many other plants. Water thoroughly and then you can hold back till it is mostly dry. Most cactus will thrive in a high light environment and full sun won't hurt. Most cactus will flower regularly.
imagesCAC72MCQ cactus cacti gardening directionsVariety of Cacti
9. Dracaena. These plants are a colorful varied lot. Most are single stalk and erect in growth. In South Florida these plants are a regular fixture  in the outdoor landscape. D.fragrans (corn plant)
can reach heights of 15 feet or more if no freezes occur. D.marginata has many colorful variations and is a striking  centerpiece. These need bright light but not direct sun light. Plentiful water and fertilizer especially during the growing season.
imagesCAYVZDRQ dracaena marginata tricolorD.marginata 'Tricolor'

10. Chlorophytum. Called the Ribbon plant or Spider plant. This versatile plant is used alone and in group plantings. The most common are the variegated C.commosum 'Vittatum. They carry small six petaled white flowers, which are succeeded by little plants. The best use is in a hanging basket. They do well in bright light and can take some direct sunlight. They need plentiful watering and feeding to keep healthy. An all green variety grows larger.
imagesCA925SNJ spider plant chlorophytum gardening directionsSpider Plant




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