Cough, cold sneezing, dry scaling skin, chapped lips, are all part of the winter woes. Here are THE six herbs that you can easily grow in your own garden that will help to correct these ailments naturally. If you cannot grow them you can get most from your grocery store. You would have to do a bit of searching for Stinging Nettle and Chamomile. Those could still be found.
Natural and Herbal remedies have kept mankind going long before there were doctors and long before there was even history. It is not surprising that many people both experts and novices are finding that these remedies work. We talk to lots of people in our research of the healing properties of all plants. We talk to people all the time who claim to know to cure cancer with a combination of herbs. I have heard the same remedy from different sources. The fact is that the cure for everything is possibly out there in nature waiting to be found.
Basil grows in abundance with a great culinary medicinal value. Steeping leaves in boiling water and drinking it regularly would increase your immunity against cough and colds Leaves of Basil grounded and taken with a spoon full of honey also relieves cough cold and fever. Chewing two-three Basil leaves daily also keeps cough away.
This herb is used extensively in cooking and baking. It also is a good cure for chronic coughs and colds, upset stomach and morning sickness in the form of ginger ale, or crush a small piece of ginger and put it under your tongue. The saliva carries its juice down the throat keeping cough at bay. Crystalized ginger is also very soothing and is also a good snack.
Stinging Nettle
Stinging nettle seems to be the top choice among herbs for treating seasonal allergy symptoms. Effective against seasonal allergies, they work as well or better than conventional medications. People around the world have used these herb to treat nasal and respiratory problems cough, runny nose, chest congestion, asthma, whooping cough, and even tuberculosis. This is available in capsules form from your local health food store.
As most people know, a teaspoon or so of horseradish will clear the sinuses. Good for immediate hay fever relief, but can also help deter future allergy attacks. Thereafter, you need only a few teaspoons of horseradish each month to prevent another allergy attack."
Garlic which is a pungent and potent herb is well known for its medicinal and culinary powers. Most sources recommend garlic as a safe and easy way to prevent or reduce allergy symptoms by fighting infections, boosting immunity. Cooking with garlic reduces the medicinal properties, you should add garlic to food as it is being removed from the stove, or better yet, eat it raw, such as on a salad; one clove of raw garlic per day will help with allergy symptoms. Take 400-600 mg garlic supplement daily. Supplements made of powdered deodorized garlic are now available in health food stores.
A cup of chamomile tea is a popular herbal remedy for allergies, and for many people it can be very effective. However, because it is a member of the ragweed, some people may be allergic to Chamomile, discontinue use in this case. Promotes relaxation, relieves anxiety, and insomnia. Available in capsules and dry teas, grows well in a sunny garden.
Read more at Suite101: : Herbal Remedies for Hay Fever Relief
For more information, please visit us at Please consult your doctor if you are on prescribed medications,before adding any of the above remedies.